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AI & Machine Learning in Healthcare: Shaping the Future of Patient Care

AI & Machine Learning in Healthcare: Shaping the Future of Patient Care
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    November 10, 2023 Last Updated: December 26, 2023


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Needless to say, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) have revolutionized the healthcare industry. Whether we talk about precision, efficiency, or improved patient outcomes, it has helped a lot in making a transition from the traditional healthcare era to the digital era. 

With the ability to analyze vast amounts of medical data, these technologies enhance diagnostic accuracy, predict disease risks, personalize treatment plans, optimize hospital operations, and do whatnot more. AI-driven algorithms can sift through complex medical records, medical images, and genomic data with unprecedented pace and accuracy, empowering healthcare professionals to make data-driven decisions.

Moreover, AI-powered chatbots and telemedicine applications are improving patient engagement and access to care. The integration of AI and ML is poised to reshape healthcare, making it more proactive, patient-centric, and cost-effective.

One of the reasons why investors from around the world are keeping an eagle eye on AI and Machine Learning Healthcare Development

And why not when this sector promises a bright future, especially in terms of ROI? Even if we go through current and future market stats they speak out loud in favor of AI and Machine Learning in healthcare.

Market Overview of AI & Machine Learning in Healthcare Industry

According to the survey, the Global Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Market was around 16.3 Billion USD in 2022. This value is growing in 2023 and is further projected to rise in the upcoming years at a CAGR of 40.2% (2022-2029). This way it can reach an estimated revenue of around 173.55 Billion USD by 2029.

AI In Healthcare Market

AI & Machine Learning in Healthcare Industry – Market Segment Analysis


The market segmentation of artificial intelligence in healthcare is based on types and includes a range of technologies and applications. If we talk about performing precise diagnoses and spotting anomalies, AI algorithms examine medical pictures that include X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs in the Medical Imaging and Diagnostics market.

Personalized medicine is a different subsegment that makes use of AI to evaluate genetic and medical history data about specific patients in order to customize medications and treatments. Another section is called Predictive Analytics and Early Detection, in which AI systems examine enormous volumes of patient data to find patterns, estimate the risk of disease, and facilitate early intervention.

Chatbots and virtual assistants use a subset of AI to support patients, respond to inquiries, and prioritize symptoms. Another sizable market is drug discovery and development, which uses AI to evaluate data from scientific research and find possible drug candidates more quickly. Apart from this Administrative Automation is such a market, which uses AI to reduce administrative responsibilities by automating processes like medical billing and coding.

Lastly, proactive healthcare management is made possible by Remote Patient Monitoring, which uses wearables and AI-enabled devices to monitor patient health data continuously. These market niches demonstrate the various ways artificial intelligence (AI) is being used in healthcare to spur innovation and enhance patient care.

Also Read-AI Applications & Use Cases: Revolutionizing Major Industries

Global AI in Healthcare Market


Technology is the foundation for artificial intelligence in healthcare market segmentation, which includes a range of instruments and methods that spur industry innovation. Algorithms play a crucial role when it comes to enabling AI systems to learn from data, identify trends, and forecast outcomes. Thus, here comes the introduction of a segment titled “Machine Learning.”

Machine learning has revolutionized the healthcare industry by providing numerous new approaches to disease diagnosis, treatment, and management. It has also improved patient satisfaction and streamlined hospital operations.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is another important field that provides the ability for AI systems to understand and process human language for assisting tasks like speech recognition and language translation. A large portion of the market is computer vision, which uses AI algorithms to analyze and interpret visual data; including medical imaging to help with image-based tasks and diagnosis.

Another area is robotics, which combines artificial intelligence (AI) with physical machines to carry out operations like surgery and provide support in medical environments. Apart from this, there is one more subset of AI called “expert systems,” which uses machines to mimic human knowledge and competence to make suggestions for diagnosis or treatment. Every technological area aids in the advancement of AI in healthcare, improving patient care overall as well as diagnosis and treatment.

Infograph of AI market share Technology based

End User

The market segmentation of artificial intelligence in healthcare is focused on end users, which includes a range of stakeholders who use AI technologies to improve healthcare outcomes and delivery. Healthcare Providers, which comprises clinics, hospitals, and physicians who use AI systems for enhanced diagnosis, customized treatment plans, and efficient operations, is one important market category.

Another section consists of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies that use AI for research on precision medicine, clinical trial optimization, and drug development.

Universities, research facilities, and academic institutes that apply AI for healthcare-related studies, innovation, and instruction are also included in the Research and Academia category. Another market category is Payers and Insurance Providers, where AI technologies help with risk assessment, fraud detection, and claims processing.

Furthermore, the Patients and Caregivers segment is critical since AI applications enable people to take charge of their healthcare by offering them virtual help, remote monitoring, and personalized health advice.

machine learning services

The last group that has an impact on the adoption of AI is government and regulatory bodies, which set frameworks, rules, and policies to guarantee the moral and responsible application of AI in healthcare. These end-user groups serve as a visual representation of the various players in artificial intelligence in the healthcare market, all of whom are working together to revolutionize patient care and healthcare delivery.

Well, after going through the detailed market segment analysis, you must have gained some idea of how AI and Machine Learning are bringing a change in the healthcare industry. To understand it in detail let’s take a tour of its benefits in Healthcare.

Top 7 Applications of AI and Machine Learning in Healthcare

Numerous studies have already indicated that AI and Machine Learning are capable of performing equally or better than humans in critical healthcare jobs including disease diagnosis. Algorithms currently surpass radiologists in identifying malignant tumors and assisting researchers in cohort construction for expensive clinical studies. Apart from this, there are many other benefits of implementing AI and Machine learning in Healthcare.

Let’s go through the same via some major applications.

1Disease Identification and Diagnosis

The identification and diagnosis of illnesses and conditions that are typically thought to be difficult to diagnose is one of the main uses of machine learning in the healthcare industry. This can encompass anything from hereditary illnesses to tumors that are difficult to detect in their early stages.

One excellent example of how cognitive computing and genome-based tumor sequencing might work together to speed up diagnosis time is IBM Watson Genomics. The biopharma behemoth Berg is using AI to create therapeutic solutions for diseases like cancer. The PReDicT (Predicting Response to Depression Treatment) initiative from P1vital seeks to create a commercially viable method for diagnosing and treating common clinical illnesses.

2Analysis of Unstructured Data

Massive volumes of health data and medical records make it difficult for clinicians to provide high-quality, patient-centered treatment while remaining up-to-date with medical advancements. ML systems can swiftly scan EHRs and biomedical data compiled by medical professionals and units to give physicians timely, dependable answers.

Patient medical records and health data are frequently kept as complex, unstructured data, which makes them challenging to access and comprehend.

Instead of being bogged down by the burden of finding, identifying, gathering, and transcribing the answers they require from mountains of paper-formatted EHRs, AI can seek, collect, store, and standardize medical data regardless of the format. This helps with repetitive tasks and supports clinicians with fast, accurate, tailored treatment plans and medicine for their patients.

3Machine Learning-based Behavioral Modification

A key component of preventative medicine is behavioral change, and since machine learning has become more widely used in healthcare, a huge number of startups have emerged in the areas of patient treatment, cancer prevention, and identification.

A B2B2C data analytics business called Somatix has launched an app that uses machine learning to identify the motions we make on a daily basis. This software helps us identify our unconscious behavior and make the necessary adjustments.

4Robotic Surgery

Surgery is a life-saving procedure that demands extreme precision. Surgeons in an operating room also need to be alert for every move they make and every incision they make. Machine learning and AI for healthcare have made it possible for the medical industry to create and employ collaborative robots, which will help surgeons in this extremely delicate procedure.

The surgical robot’s movements can be accurately regulated in terms of trajectory, depth, and speed. They are particularly well suited for treatments that require the same repetitive movements since they can work without becoming weary.

Also Read: Revolutionizing the Health Industry: Exploring the Role of Metaverse in Healthcare

5Beneficial in Cancer Research and Treatment

Radiation therapy occasionally lacks a digital database for gathering and organizing EHRs, which complicates cancer research and care. Oncora Medical provides a platform that gathers pertinent patient medical data, assesses the standard of care, optimizes treatment, and offers comprehensive oncology outcomes, data, and imaging. This helps physicians make educated decisions about radiation therapy for cancer patients.

The time spent by doctors monitoring patient documentation was reduced by the automatic generation of clinical notes integrated with EHRs, improving medical operations and health outcomes.

6Medical Imaging Diagnosis

Radiologists are now able to provide better images of the location of the issue because of developments in medical imaging that use modern medical instruments for CT scans, MRIs, X-rays, and other procedures.

According to researchers, pathologists regularly assess and classify hundreds of histopathology photos in order to determine whether a patient has a problem.

Nonetheless, because of their generally higher workload, there might be fewer correct diagnoses. Here, machine learning and artificial intelligence for healthcare can be used to evaluate the issues that medical imaging reveals. AI can be used to detect cardiovascular conditions such as left atrial enlargement or to automate procedures such as pulmonary artery diameter, carina angle control, and aortic valve analysis.

7Crowdsourcing Treatment Options and Monitoring Drug Response

The way data is obtained and disseminated regarding illness treatment is another area in which AI may have an impact on healthcare. One researcher who started a start-up to use social media to connect people and offer various cancer treatment possibilities is Dr. Tony Blau. 

Another group conducted pharmacovigilance by using Facebook and Twitter to gather information about drug trials that may not have been disclosed to regulatory bodies or the industry. The pharmaceutical sector already uses AI for the preliminary screening of chemical compounds and to ascertain which medications would be more effective for specific persons depending on their biology.

Delving Into The Future of AI and Machine Learning In Healthcare

Undoubtedly, AI will play a significant part in the healthcare services provided in the future. The main technology driving the development of precision medicine, which is generally acknowledged as a much-needed improvement in healthcare, is machine learning itself. Even while early attempts to offer diagnosis and treatment recommendations have been difficult, we anticipate that AI will eventually become proficient in that area as well.

Considering how quickly artificial intelligence & machine learning are developing for imaging processing, it appears likely that most radiology and pathology images will eventually be analyzed by a machine. Speech and text recognition are already used and will continue to be used, for patient communication and clinical note capturing.

Furthermore, it’s becoming more and more obvious that AI systems will support human clinicians in their efforts to provide patient care rather than completely replace them. Human physicians can eventually gravitate toward assignments and work layouts that utilize peculiar human abilities like empathy, persuasion, and big-picture integration. Those healthcare professionals who refuse to collaborate with artificial intelligence will be the only ones who eventually lose their jobs.

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How Blocktunix Can Help You Adopt AI And Machine Learning In Healthcare?

With 100+ certified AI & ML developers and a track record of completing more than 120 projects successfully, Blocktunix is a reliable machine learning development company  that can help you realize your vision for machine learning in healthcare.

Throughout the years, we have worked on numerous healthcare projects incorporating cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain, IoT, machine learning, and more.

So if you want to take advantage of all that artificial intelligence and machine learning have to offer in the healthcare industry, get in contact with our specialists right away.

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